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2 Translation results for washing up in Spanish

verb | adjective

wash up verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
arrastrar (hacia la costa por el agua)

Example sentences of
wash up verb

  • Why won't you wash up while I make you something to eat?
  • You should always wash up well after playing outside with the dog.
  • Some strange objects washed up on the shore during the storm.

washed-up adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
acabado (dícese de una persona), fracasado (dícese de un negocio, etc.)

washing noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
ropa para lavar

Example sentences of
washing noun

  • These shirts will look great even after repeated washings.

Synonyms of
washing noun

Reverse translation for washing up

arrastrar  (hacia la costa por el agua) - to drag, to tow, to hang down, to trail, to draw, to attract 
acabado  (dícese de una persona) - finished, done, completed, old, worn-out 
fracasado  (dícese de un negocio, etc.) - unsuccessful, failed 
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